Swap Tokens:
Anytime, Anywhere

Swap between any of the supported assets seamlessly at zero fees. Manage your portfolio and rebalance asset holdings anytime, anywhere with our Hodlnaut website and mobile applications.

Swap Now


Account total: 0.324
Total payout: 0.00713
Bitcoin Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 1.256
Total payout: 0.0212
Ether Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 567
Total payout: 0.23
Tether Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 124
Total payout: 1.38
USDC Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 73
Total payout: 2.45
DAI Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days

The easiest way to earn interest on your

Earn Bitcoin Interest with a Hodlnaut account. Deposit your crypto and start earning up to 8.3% APY* immediately.

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Account total: 0.324
Total payout: 0.00713
Bitcoin Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 1.256
Total payout: 0.0212
Ether Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 567
Total payout: 0.23
Tether Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 124
Total payout: 1.38
USDC Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days
Account total: 73
Total payout: 2.45
DAI Interest:
Payout date: 3 Days

Our Token Swap Features

Zero fees

Swap between supported crypto assets at no fees. The price that we quote is a clean price and is valid for 30 seconds.

Balance your assets easily

Stay on top of your portfolio holdings and manage your crypto assets according to market opportunities.

Earn crypto interest instantaneously

Start earning interest on your crypto assets on the same day that you execute your swap order. Learn more about our leading market interest rates here.

Market Order Execution

To increase the success rate of token swaps amidst a volatile market, our Token Swap also comes with a Market Order Execution feature that instantly fills the token swap order.

Token Swap

How Token Swap Works

Execute trades instantly between any of the supported assets at Hodlnaut. Manage your portfolio and rebalance asset holdings without ever leaving the Hodlnaut platform.  

Log in to your Hodlnaut account
Choose the token you would like to trade
Review the quote
Place your order

Token Swap FAQs

What is a token swap in crypto?

A token swap involves swapping one crypto token to another crypto token. Swap between any asset pairs supported on Hodlnaut's platform instantly and seamlessly. Find out more here: https://www.hodlnaut.com/crypto-guides/token-swaps-what-are-they-and-how-do-they-work

How long does a crypto swap take?

Token Swap is executed instantly.

Does Hodlnaut have a mobile app for token swap?

You can access our Token Swap feature from our Hodlnaut mobile applications on iOS App Store and Google Play Store.

Are token swaps taxable?

Hodlnaut is unable to provide any tax advice and users should consult their tax advisers or local tax authorities for advice.

Got further questions? Please reach us at support@hodlnaut.com

Ready to start earning interest on your crypto and swap tokens?

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