Swap Tokens:
Anytime, Anywhere
Swap between any of the supported assets seamlessly at zero fees. Manage your portfolio and rebalance asset holdings anytime, anywhere with our Hodlnaut website and mobile applications.


Swap between any of the supported assets seamlessly at zero fees. Manage your portfolio and rebalance asset holdings anytime, anywhere with our Hodlnaut website and mobile applications.
Swap between supported crypto assets at no fees. The price that we quote is a clean price and is valid for 30 seconds.
Stay on top of your portfolio holdings and manage your crypto assets according to market opportunities.
Start earning interest on your crypto assets on the same day that you execute your swap order. Learn more about our leading market interest rates here.
To increase the success rate of token swaps amidst a volatile market, our Token Swap also comes with a Market Order Execution feature that instantly fills the token swap order.
Execute trades instantly between any of the supported assets at Hodlnaut. Manage your portfolio and rebalance asset holdings without ever leaving the Hodlnaut platform.